Visions Of War / Arrogänt Split LP

Belgian crusters team up for a deafening d-beat thunder release. Visions of war is the long runners out of these two. Here with a new recording that marks a new era with a solid set of growling gutter crust and brilliant d-beat to it. Arrogänt delgivets tjejer debute of release with this release. Dark crusty d-beat with strong growling vocals that makes your fists longing for more. credits released August 6, 2021 co-released by us, Loner Cult, Profane Existence, Phobia, Missing the point, Breeding for extinction, Not Enough and Scream records.


15.00 EUR

inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Visions Of War / Arrogänt Split LP