Two chronicles of the emergence and development of punk and new wave in German-speaking countries from 1976 to 1985. When the world was still ending... many things were possible. The apocalyptic mood around 1980 gave punk and new wave the boost they needed. It provided an incredible burst of activity and creativity. Against the backdrop of the nuclear arms race between the superpowers USA and the Soviet Union, no one believed in a great future anymore - so suddenly everything seemed permissible, regardless of losses. This is what the book tells about. And you can also get a musical impression of this on the compilation that is being released by Wallpaper at the same time as the publication of the 4th edition of the book. Frank Apunkt Schneider unfolds the history of the Neue Deutsche Welle and the German punk underground in the book, extending into the regional, cassette and fanzine scenes. In addition to the now canonized classics of this movement (e.g. DAF, Fehlfarben), Schneider presents chart breakers such as Trio and Extrabreit as well as underground acts. The compilation is aimed specifically at bands that are not active in the mainstream, such as Kosmonautentraum, Neues Deutschland or Carambolage; A well-proportioned mixture of rarities and underground hits document what is probably the most exciting time in music production, not only in German-speaking countries. In the book, Schneider shows historical intersections, talks about friendships and enmities, places epicenters in the provinces against the metropolises and always ties in with the here and now.
1.1Autofick Eiscafé
1.2Carambolage Gehirnwaesche
1.3Siluetes 61 - Wo ist der Dom?
1.4Hans-A-Plast Lemminger Punks
1.5Kosmonautentraum Abschied
1.6Holger Hiller Ein Hoch auf das Buegeln
1.7Die Zwei Wir bleiben hier
1.8Family 5 Tagein - Tagaus
1.9Rassemenschen helfen armen Menschen Alles ist mir recht
1.10Lustige Mutanten Spiel ums Leben
1.11Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Tagesschau
1.12Neues Deutschland Muskulatur
1.13Die Egozentrischen 2 Gegensaetze
1.14Male - Risikofaktor 1:X
1.15Baerchen und die Milchbubis Tagebuch
1.16Die Zimmermaenner Keiner ruft Cornelia an
1.17The Wirtschaftswunder Bauernlife
1.18Palais Schaumburg Kinder der Tod
1.19Cretins Samen im Darm
1.20Konstantin Sing mir ein kleines Arbeiterkampflied
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